Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sometimes I think reading the letters to the editor in The Fresno Bee is a little sado-masochistic. It's a page dominated by right-wing "commentators," who don't offer much in the way of real discussion. What conservatives do very well is to be smug and self-serving.

Remember when George W. Bush stole the White House and we were told the "grown ups" were in charge? Bush and company proceeded to lie us into two wars, assault civil liberties, and wreck the economy. Yesterday's Bee had another right-wing letter saying that right-wing kooks should just "laugh" at liberals. It would be easy to laugh at conservatives when you consider their general lunacy. People who flock to a nitwit like Sarah Palin don't deserve much respect.

But when you look at the horror wrought by conservatives on this country and the rest of the world you realize it's no laughing matter.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


The Fresno Bee published a letter from a right-winger today talking about the election of centerfold model Scott Brown as the interim Senator from Massachusetts. The writer called the Obama administration "far left." It's just amazing how stupid these people are.

Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan. If you notice, we're also still in Iraq. Many of the Bush policies that subvert civil liberties are still in place. Most of the stimulus package went to big banks and corporations. How is any of that "far left"?

I think the major message of the Massachusetts election is that President Obama has governed too much from the right. We need a government that represents the majority of us and that simply isn't happening. The latest horror from the Supreme Court just emphasizes the point that the rich and powerful run the show in this country.

I still think President Obama is far better than the alternative, but I'd like to see his administration push a progressive agenda. Stop worrying about bipartisanship with the thugs in the Republican party and pursue the agenda that got him elected.